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iPhone 3Gのパケット通信制限

こないだ買ったiPhone 3G。最大のメリットはWifiとかがなくっても3GやEDGEでインターネット接続できるという事だったはずだけど、どうにもそれがよろしくない。3Gと言っても回線が死ぬほど遅いのも一つの原因なのだけど、もう一つの原因は料金プラン。ここフィリピンのiPhone 3Gのプランにはパケ放題に相当するプランがないのだ。ぼくの場合はプリペイドだから、従量制。
というわけでフィリピンのマックブログを見て、Wifiなしではネット接続しないように設定変更。ソフトバンクiPhone 3GがAPNを直接いじれるのかどうか定かでないけれど、こいつは簡単だ。





By default, the iPhone is setup to recognize your Globe SIM and automatically configure the APN (Access Point Note) with the address internet.globe.com.ph. With this setting, when not on Wi-Fi, each time you tap on Internet-connected apps like Safari, Mail, AppStore, Weather, Maps and Stocks, the iPhone will connect to the Internet via Mobile Data (3G, EDGE or GPRS). Except for those with an iPhone plan (which provides 40, 60 or 100 free hours, depending on the plan), these services aren't free. Being that the touch screen is sensitive, it is very easy to accidentally tap on one of these Internet-connected apps.

To avoid being charged for accidental Mobile Data usage, all one has to do is to edit the APN with the wrong address. This will effectively disable Mobile Data. To edit the APN, just navigate your iPhone to Settings > General > Network > Cellular Data Network, Change the APN by either omitting the last letter or adding another character at the end (i.e. "internet.globe.com.p" or "internet.globe.com.phh")
